Friday, May 1, 2015

This Writing Journey

A lot of soul-searching has taken place during this writing project. 

Many times I've stopped to bow my head and repent because the very words I'm typing, I need to activate in my own life.

Other times I'm reminded of a promise at just the right time.

Sometimes I feel like I'm writing to my younger self or to the young girls in my life, and my heart brims with tenderness at the truth I hope gets planted in their lives.

I've come face-to-face with my strengths, but also my weaknesses. I've had to to grapple with them, stare them down and subdue them every day, because with this endeavor right now, I'm the only one getting in the way of me. I'm the only one I can blame for not progressing.

Do you know how humbling that is?

Photography by Brittany Castell

I've heard many writers say similar things, but always thought deep down it was just false modesty.

But I'm starting to understand that those feelings are very real.

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