Sunday, December 30, 2012

Of Stars and Whales

This morning in Sunday School, we watched a neat video as part of a special worship/testimony time at the end of the year.

Before you read further, please check out the video we watched. It goes by fast and at least for me, it instantly and radically changed how I viewed the praises rising up to surround our Creator.

Stars and

We have no idea the sounds without words (intelligibly to our ear, that is) that must surround the throne of God Most High. For some reason, I have no trouble imagining this.

Praise him, all you shining stars.

I honestly don't have anything insightful or clever to say about this video. All I know is that it lit me up on the inside to imagine creation crying out in wordless praise to the same God that I praise, and I want everyone that is willing to catch a glimpse of that too.

Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures.

Praise the Lord.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

It Was the Last of Times, It Was the First of Times

Hello readers,

This is Samantha Hanni, the writer formerly known as Samantha Maloy. I would've blogged sooner, but it's whatever. In case you hadn't heard...

I am now a wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wedding photography featured in this post by Valerie Sebestyen.
Check out my or her FB page for the complete album.

And I couldn't be more thrilled, contented, or excited.

Where do I begin? The week leading up to the wedding proceeded smoothly, all things considered. But nearly everyday brought the poignant thought of "This is the last time that..."

The week that never was close, never seemed like it was going to happen was right here: happening, rushing over and past me in a wave that I couldn't control.

However, I did my best to soak in the water from the wedding wave (or hurricane. or tsunami. K never mind that's being dramatic.) and I loved and felt that week more deeply than I thought was possible.

As you can see, the long awaited day started for me bright and early! After that, I don't remember much... except that we got hitched!

No, for real...the day appeared, existed, then vanished.

The day went incredibly smooth though (at least it seemed like that...if there are conflicting stories, please keep those to yourself! Haha.) Many many thanks for all who helped it run so smoothly. Your thank you card will be arriving soon in the mail. I promise!!

Then we were on our own. Finally. Just ourselves, headed to relax in the Florida Keys for a whole week.

Pigeon Key
Reppin' Shimmers in the Atlantic Ocean! 
I don't even know...

Marker 88 Restaurant

Outside our resort

Shark Valley- Everglades

Photographing a cute little lizard 

Random signs I found amusing


By the end of the week, we were both ready to be back in our lovely Oklahoma and start living life again, but living it together. Just two weeks before had been a week of lasts. Now it was a week of firsts. First time to go to the grocery store, first time to plan and cook meals -all by myself!- first time for Kurtis to come home to me, first time to make our bed, first time to come home together after a Thunder game, first first first!

Everything we have planned, prayed and dreamed about, we are living out now, with more and more to come. I can already say it is a beautiful, restoring, challenging journey.

We aren't perfect, but I can say this without a doubt: Kurtis was created to be a husband and I was created to be a wife.  It is an energizing, powerful thing to be living out the role you were created for. Glory to our Creator, and the One who holds our lives and marriage in His hands.

Mrs. Hanni

Monday, September 10, 2012

Are You Happy With Now?

What if you were completely satisfied with this moment right now?

I started thinking last night how much of our time and energy is spent in anticipation of:

the weekend
next month
November 3 (Oh wait, I think that's just me...)
a different season
freshman year
senior year
another year
another time
another place.

There is nothing inherently wrong with this kind of thinking; anticipation can be good. Planning is necessary.

But are you able to set all that aside as needed and be genuinely satisfied with the present?

If yes, great. You don't have to finish reading this post.
If not, let's chat a bit more.

Truthfully, I'm preaching to myself right now. Truthfully, I am living in GREAT anticipation for that November 3 date when my fiance and I will finally be man and wife, and there is nothing wrong with that. Truthfully, I did not expect it to be so hard to be satisfied with my here and now, and that struggle is refining me.

So I go back to God's Word. Psalm 118:24 says, "THIS is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

I cannot dismiss the utter gift that right now is, because it will never happen again. There is much to do, much to say, much to listen to, much to be each day. Jim Elliot once said, "Wherever you are, be all there." Be all here. In this day. THIS day. Not 2 weeks from now. Not next month. Not 2 months from now. Not 5 years from now.

 I encourage you all, as I am firmly encouraging myself, to finish drinking all now has to offer before moving on to...

...whatever's next.

"Let not our longing slay our appetite for living."
--- Jim Elliot

Monday, September 3, 2012

Wedding Makeup Challenge, Part 2


The August makeup find was indeed a fabulous liquid foundation. Makeup Forever, $40 from Sephora, is specifically formulated for those under bright lights and in front of the camera lens.
My mom discovered it on a makeup blog and I tried it out. Love it! Blends well onto my skin, is actually long-lasting and hasn't irritated my very needy skin, even with almost daily use.
I then set it with a light dusting of my Bare Minerals Mineral Veil.

I use #118

Still on the lookout for a good lip color, but other than that, I'm just about done compiling my wedding day makeup palette!

Happy Labor Day!

Monday, August 20, 2012

10 Things God Will (Most Likely) Never Say

I don’t know about you, but I love making lists of my favorite things.  Top 10 Books, Favorite Foods, Top Dream Vacations, 10 Random Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Me; you name it, I have probably made a list for it.

It’s human nature to list things; it’s one way we can define ourselves and put parameters around our lives. Lists are tangible.

Our desire for the tangible can get us in trouble when we relate to God.  God does not think how we think, nor does he approach schedules and situations (if He even calls them that) how we, our family, or our friends approach them. 

Here is a list of phrases that though we may say them all the time, we will never ever hear God say:

  1. “Oops!”
  2. “Wait…what?”
  3. “Wait…who?”
  4.  “Oh, crap!”
  5. “Well, that was stupid of me.”
  6. “I guess I forgot…”
  7. “If at first I don’t succeed…”
  8. “My alarm didn’t go off…I guess.”
  9. “I just didn’t have time.”
  10. “You just don’t understand MY schedule and MY life right now!”

Let’s praise God that he won’t ever say those things!  He is perfect, He never forgets, and He is on top of things. 

Isaiah 50:2 says, “Was my arm too short to ransom you? Do I lack the strength to rescue you? By a mere rebuke I dry up the sea.”

Backing up one chapter, Isaiah 49:15-16 says, “Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.”

Let's face it: we sometimes have Dori-like memories when it comes to how God works in our lives. We're human and mistakes ARE going to be made. However, we must daily (maybe even hourly?) remind ourselves that though we may have our problems with excuses, forgetfulness, and mistakes, God doesn't, and He has promised that His grace is sufficient to cover our weaknesses. Isn’t it cool to have a friend like that?

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and FORGET NOT all his benefits."
Psalm 103:2

Sunday, August 12, 2012

5 Worship Songs that Never Leave My iPod

In my quiet time this morning, I started thinking about some of my favorite worship songs and I realized that there are only a handful that have stayed on my iPod (and now iPhone) since I got my first Apple product on my 16th birthday.

Here are the 5 songs that never leave my iPod and my favorite lines/scriptures that match up with them.

5) Take My Life (And Let it Be)
 Take my intellect, and use every power as you choose.
Take my will, and make it Thine, it shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart, it is Thine own, it shall be Thy royal throne.

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind."
Matthew 22:37

4) Praise to the Lord the Almighty
 Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath
Come now with praises before Him.
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!"
Psalm 103:1

                                            3) It is Well With My Soul
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well, with my soul.
"Return, O my soul, to your rest; for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you."

2) Lord, You're Holy
Wonderful, glorious, holy and righteous, victorious conqueror, triumphant and mighty.
Healer, deliverer, shield and defense, strong tower and my best friend.
Omnipotent, Omnipresent, soon coming King, Alpha, Omega, Lord of everything;
holy, holy, holy is Your name.
"For I am God, and there is no other; I am God and there is none like me."
Isaiah 46:9

1) Medley: In Christ Alone/Solid Rock
No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me,
From life's first cry, to final breath. Jesus commands my destiny.

This is another thought that has occured to me: In a way, this technology has enhanced my relationship with God. Here's why: sometimes you have to have church by yourself.

There have been many late nights or other random times where I have needed to put on some worship music and put myself before the throne of God. And having my music in this format allows me to have a worship service ready to go in my pocket, and it won't disturb anyone else! Haha!

Happy Sunday everyone :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wedding Makeup Challenge

So it's hot...

Anyway, I have set before myself a challenge to try a new makeup product each month before my wedding to find some trusty tools for my big day. 
My pick for the month of July was gel eyeliner by Sonia Kashuk, $10 from Target.
It was advertised in the June 2012 issue of BRIDES and I thought it looked "try-worthy."


<3 <3 <3

3 out of 5 hearts

It worked okay, but the best results were when I wore it over my regular waterproof eyeliner. It wouldn't smudge onto the top of my eyelid until I had worn it for several hours, so that is an improvement. Still smudged slightly at the corners of my eyes after a few hours.

(Eyeliner brush from The Makeup Bar)

Any suggestions on what to try next month? The 3 products I most want to experiment with are primer, mascara and lipstick.

Stay cool!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


One year ago today, I asked God for something rather specific.

This request is written on a piece of wood and is from a sermon that our church does every year. It represents "staking your claim" in God's promises and is a visual representation of what you have asked God for in faith. (Another story behind this...ask me some other time!)

So here I was. I was getting ready to start my senior year. I was going back to teaching. I was in a very good place in my relationship with the Lord. I was really happy with where I was in life. But I wanted to ask God this one thing...

There was no one I was interested in at the time and I was looking at finishing school in just nine short months. In my mind, it was a reasonable request that I at least meet the man who I would marry and begin to build a friendship that would eventually turn into something more. If that still wasn't in God's timing for this year, then ok. At least I'd asked. And of course I had been praying about who I would marry for years, thinking about qualities that I desired, and actually praying FOR whoever that man would be.

But this time, it just felt different.

Anyway, back to 7-19-11....

About two weeks from that day, my friend Claire Myers told me about "this guy" from her church. (Also another crazy story in and of itself!)
Then on 8-18-11, I met Kurtis Hanni for the first time at the Starbucks by dance.
Then one month from that first meeting, we were dating.
Then nine months later, we got engaged.

So here I am a year later, planning a wedding and preparing to become a wife to the most loving, intelligent, God-fearing, funny, handsome man I have EVER met.  

I am thrilled beyond words.

Yet I managed to find a few for this post :)

I share this because I am always encouraged when I hear or read about God answering prayers and working in the lives of fellow believers. My story...our story!... isn't a formula or a blueprint, but yet another piece of unique evidence of a faithful God.

And He is so very faithful...goodness...I can hardly articulate it.

" eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him."
1 Cor. 2:9

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It Won't Be Taken Away

In today's selection from Jesus Calling, a scripture resonated with me in a way that it hadn't before.

"...You have chosen the better thing and it will not be taken away from you."

This scripture is Luke 10:42 and is referring to the story of Mary and Martha. Jesus was commenting on Mary's choice to commune with Him and how that wouldn't be taken from her.
The devo today talked about the rewards of choosing to commune with God even though sometimes it is not appreciated or even misunderstood by others, like in the story of Mary and Martha. God promises returns when we choose Him, and those rewards are not to be taken away.

This hit home with me as recently I found out that my internship will not pan out how I desired. I enjoyed the work, was very good at it and have received excellent feedback from my immediate superiors. For reasons beyond my control and theirs, it just simply isn't going to pan out beyond the end of July.

A choice is before me: blare my "I'm discouraged" horn (and in this case, I would have good reason to) or hum a different tune.
As we all know, throughout our lives there are seemingly worthwhile ventures that we invest ourselves in and seemingly get nothing. They are "taken away from us," so to speak. It is an encouraging reminder as God's kids that no matter what endeavors in our lives fail to bring returns or are taken away from us, those daily decisions to commune with Him, the hourly decisions to choose HIM over all, will never fail to reward and it can't be taken away from us. I like that kind of security. That's just how it works in God's economy.

God's economy > any other economy.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Gonna Be a Good Summer


I graduated a month ago, why does it seem like years ago?
I feel like my brain has shrugged the shackles of studentdom and embraced...well...something other than.

Here is my main summer update, which I haven't officially announced, though I guess some of you have already know about!

What am I doing with my time this summer? Why, just thought I'd intern at Tate Publishing. I found out May 1 that I had been accepted as an editing intern at Tate. So excited to start there tomorrow! I will be learning to edit manuscripts and parts of the publishing process.

It's gonna be a good summer, y'all.

Monday, April 30, 2012


Anyone is welcome to read and comment, but I am particularly interested in the comments of peeps my own age and anywhere from 1-5 years older/younger.

This is something that I've been thinking and talking about to those close to me, and I'd like to get some others' opinions.

How do you think the constant connection to media devices, obsession with entertainment and the inability to be still AND happy will affect the next generation's education, spiritual growth and social skills?(especially when you have your own kids) Have you thought about how you will you handle that as a parent?

So yeah, let me hear your thoughts!! Please :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Practice of Trying New Things

So last June, I set out to try at least one new thing every week for a year and document it.

It's coming up on a year, and I was very faithful to record often several new things each week, up until February.

Yeah I stopped recording, but I haven't stopped trying new things. I passed the test.

I think that's what it was about; I wanted to test myself to make sure I didn't lose myself in a rut. The test may have been unecessary, but I have proved to myself that I do make it a habit of trying new food, changing up my routine, or just flat out doing something DIFFERENT.

I've included a smattering of my list and the editorial that ran in The Vista last summer. Enjoy!

1. Attended the Miss Oklahoma finals

2. Went rockclimbing

3. Put my first newspaper together as editor in chief

4. Spoke at a funeral

5. Started my blog

6. Learned to love bell peppers and hummus

7. Taught in kids' church

8. Attended my first OSU sporting event ;)

9. Tried calamari

10. And...listened to many new songs, watched many new movies, and managed to read a few new books :)

June 2011, The Vista

There are two types of people in this world: those that make lists and those that would be hard pressed to find a pen to start their list. But hey, it’s ok. We need both types to make the world go round.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a list person. Always have been. The process of jotting down thoughts with those sexy bullet points or numbers draws me in again and again.  Whether it’s a practical to-do list, shopping list or the more ambitious summer goals or to-read list, trust me, I’ve made the list.

One list I’ve started recently and will continue throughout my senior year (maybe longer, who knows?) is each week, I’m going to try and/or do something new. I am looking forward to a year’s worth of new experiences to look over.

How cool will that be?

Here’s why I decided to set out on this quest, one in which I invite you all to join me.

I have found that it is far too easy when you are busy to fall into that proverbial rut. I find myself buried halfway into the semester and it has been weeks if not months since I’ve read a new book or downloaded a new app or certainly tried anything new to eat.


The brain uses challenges and “new things” like fuel to keep it healthy and sharp. I don’t know about you, but I want to keep my brain as in shape and ready for the long haul because I want to be one of those sharp-as-a-tack grandma types.

In writing this editorial, I came across a blog that talked about how neuroscientists are finding that providing the brain with new information actually helps with our time perception. Because new info takes longer to process, it can help with the sensation that the days and months fly out from beneath us.

It’s worth a shot.

Whether it’s as small as listening to songs you’ve never heard or trying new foods or as crazy as traveling to a new country, throw your brain a new (but safe!) curveball. And then write it down.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Prayer

This is a prayer I jotted down in my journal 3-4 years ago. I posted it on my blog last April, but never posted a link to it. I felt like I wanted to share it again on this fine Saturday.

Blessings to you all! Have a wonderful day :)

I have learned much, lost much, and gained much. And I by no means feel that I have reached a plateau. I cannot afford that luxury. Such is the ebb and flow of life.

Oh Father, I am so humbled by you. You have made us in your image; yet we are eternally-bound beings in mortally-bound bodies. You have called us to share the Good News, but there is not a more leaky bunch of jars to carry that Water of Life than us.

Yet you so patiently hold us, patch us, reshape us, and pour us out and fill us up at the right time, your time.

Your love permeates every cell of my body. It wraps around me, soothes me, whispers in my ear as I lay exhausted in my bed and directs me as I hurry to class.
I look for you everywhere, God. I find you in so many places throughout the day. You gift me with breath in my lungs, the dawn, and unending mercies every day. A second chance. I see your glory in the skies.

I see and rejoice in your unfailing beauty in the flowers- in the trees.

I listen for you in other peoples’ voices. I earnestly seek for evidence of you in their lives to see if I have found a brother or sister.
I rejoice in your safety. Who knows how many times you have shielded me from harm, the unsavory eye, my own self?
God, I feel your love when I am with those who I love. What sweet fellowship!
I savor, I store up, I rejoice in those quiet moments with you when your peace steals over my soul. Peace I don’t deserve. Peace that I should not be having- but it’s there.

I am further humbled when, though I am your child, you reveal areas in my life that have previously hid from your light. Areas I would have said were fine. Areas I jealously guard. Let it all come under your jurisdiction.
One thing I ask of-this is what I seek: to do for others, to live beyond myself. I do not wish to be an ending place, but a starting point for you to reach peoples’ lives. This world needs you God.
Hear my heart, know my thoughts. Keep me in the shadow of your wings.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Essentials

 I've never done a post like this before, but my Mom gave me this idea and I thought I'd give it a try :)  Contents of my makeup bag in my purse are pictured below. I've explained some of the enjoy! 

First cool thing are my hair bands in the middle! From On a Whim, these ponytail holders don't leave a crease in your hair. Not dance competition grade, but def a good find for everyday use.

Check out my way cool mini scissors. They fold up...but it's tricky to fold them up so I just leave them unfolded...anyway, they belonged to my great-grandma! She was known for being super prepared haha.

The yellow tube is awesome hand lotion. Brand is Love and Toast by Margot Elena, in Mandarin Tea scent. I had never tried this brand before my boyfriend's mom gave it to me, and it's a winner!  


I love my swirly mirror...found it when we had a garage sale at my Grammy's.

Touch-up makeup...I try to keep it simple!
*Full-coverage kabuki brush (Bare Escentuals)
My Mom gave me this and it's pretty much my favorite brush ever. If I'm gone for most of the day, I throw in my mineral foundation.
*High Impact mascara (Clinque) Thank you Leah K.!
*Pretty Amazing lipgloss in Fearless (Bare Minerals)
I'm not a huge lipstick fan, I almost always opt for tinted lipgloss and this one is actually pretty amazing. Doesn't leave gunk on yo lips!
*Super Lustrous Lipstick in Pink Velvet (Revlon)
With that said, this is a lipstick that I like. It's not an overwhelming color and stays nicely.

Blistex Deep Renewal. I am so picky about lip balm, it's not funny. This one, I really like. It actually is moisturizing and does not leave goo on your lips after 30 minutes, which some Burt's Bees does. Also, it doesn't have an aftertaste of sunscreen, which Softlips has, and it seems like if I apply Softlips before bed, I wake up with my lips drier than ever before. This particular Blistex has a better aroma than Carmex, though we all know Carmex is tried and true. See how this is the longest paragraph?? About LIP BALM. Gah. Ok, moving on..

Oil blotting sheets. I do not leave the house without these. My skin needs the help throughout the day. Literally everyone I meet is SHOCKED that I'm 22. I'm going to say my "highly moisturized" skin is the reason for my "youthful" appearance.  Haha.

Bobby pins. I am a dancer, and I will always have bobby pins with me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Logical Next Post

If I listed my favorite classes, OBVIOUSLY I have to list my least favorites...

5. Native American History
Spring 2010

I don't have anything against the subject, but it was an online class...tests were weird hard...blah...

4. Intro to Sociology
Spring 2010

The teacher talked the whole time. No slides, maybe a random word or two on the board, just...nothing...but talking.

3. History of Journalism
Spring 2011

So much many slides...

2. Personal Finance
Fall 2011

Ugh. You've heard me talk about this class, right? Did not leave the class with a lot of respect for the prof...or the sub we had REGULARLY...who was her DAD.

Spring 2012

Worst decision of my life. I am trying to overcome the strong urge to BURN the textbook after the final, rather than sell it back.

And The Award Goes To...

In honor of my last week of regular classes, I have compiled a list of my favorite classes I've taken over the past 4 years (s/o to my boyfriend Kurtis Hanni for giving me a few post ideas!)

6. Physical Science (RSC) with Steve Carano
Spring 2009

Former weather guy, now teaching. He is awesome! I enjoyed hearing his first-hand stories of the May 3 tornado.

5. Media Ethics (UCO) with Dr. Ward
Spring 2011

I didn't like every topic we discussed, but the mixture of students provided some of the best discussion I've ever gotten to take part of in a class. Dr. Ward is an awesome professor!

4. Photography (RSC) with Cherry Aguilar
Fall 2009 

This was a film photography class! It was a neat experience to develop my own film and Cherry was fabulous to work with. Below are my two favorite pictures that I developed in class.

3. Fundamentals of Speech (RSC) with Londa Martin
Spring 2009
If you know Londa, you know why this class is on the list. I would take it again if I could! :)

2. Basic News Reporting (RSC) with Susan Dawson-O'Brien
Fall 2008

All of my journalism classes were with Sue at Rose State. I picked this one because it was the first one I had with her. Sue is the best...she is an excellent teacher, but you find in the process that you have gained an ally. I am so grateful for my experience there!

1. Feature Writing (UCO) with Dr. Clark
Spring 2012

This was a perfect class to close out my time in college. Thank you, Dr. Clark.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Huge Gaping Abyss

Here is another devo from the vault! I wrote this Aug/Sept of my freshman year in college. I have grown a lot in the area of trusting God with my future since then, but thought it would be cool to post this before my LAST WEEK of regular classes (maybe ever?) starts up. 


I recently attended a leadership orientation for my scholarship group.  As is typical with these types of orientations, we got to partake in a variety of icebreakers.  One such task, though relatively simple, proved amazingly hard for me. 

Picture this: you and your partner. Small balls on the ground.  Your partner directs you to the balls and you throw the balls to try to tag the other people out by listening to your partner’s instructions. 

Oh yeah, and you are blindfolded, as are the other people you are trying to tag. 

Since I went first, my partner actually had to lead me out of the room where we were meeting to the playing space outside.  Here is where I ran into my problem. 

I couldn’t see. 

I didn’t know what to expect next. 

Any step could be my last (okay, not really but just play along).  The next step could plunge me into a huge gaping abyss. 

Even with my partner leading me by the elbow and reassuring me I was on solid ground, I literally could not tell my legs to take bigger steps out to the yard.  I was taking little baby steps.  My partner eventually dragged me the rest of the way down the path.

Why would I be telling you this?

This is a message the Lord has been teaching me through a variety of circumstances.  Even if we can’t see or think one moment ahead, He has already been there and back again.  

Proverbs 20:24 says, “A man’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way?” 

Why is it so hard to just let go and trust?  I was slightly appalled at how even though someone was telling me,”Hey, it’s okay, take bigger steps,” I absolutely refused to take bigger steps for fear of plummeting to the ground and making a fool of myself.

Can’t you just hear the Lord saying, “Hey, it’s okay. I am right here. Take bigger steps”?

Isaiah 43:1-2, Psalm 139:16, Proverbs 3:5-6

God Knows When You Sigh

A little something I wrote in October of 2010.

God knows when you sigh…and when you cry.

He knows if it was a gut-wrenching sob over a loved one that was taken from you. He knows if they were tears of joy.

He sees also if it’s a heart that is tearing in two that produces silent tears that trickle slowly down your face. He knows the deep longings that echo with soundless voices in your spirit. Longings that you cannot yourself voice.

He sees your shoulders sag and your eyes gaze off in the distance even though you smile and put on the “right” face when you talk with people. Longings that no one else knows about.

Tears hidden from the world. He sees them all.

And he keeps track of them.

That speaks of an incredibly intimate God. I have a hard time opening up to people. Up to a certain point, I’m friendly and open, but once certain lines are crossed, I shut the door. It is hard to trust myself to other people. But God is already there, already “nearer than breathing, nearer than hands in feet." (from Streams in the Desert, May 29 entry) Wow! You can’t get much closer than that!

There is relief in knowing that God knows the content and extent of my longings and desires. It is wonderful to be known. Open up your heart today to the Shepherd, to your Lover- and be known fully.

“…for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping.” Psalm 6:8
“O Lord, all my longing is before you; my sighing is not hidden from you.” Psalm 38:9
“For he knows the secrets of the heart.” Psalm 44:21
“You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?” Psalm 56:8
“Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him…” Psalm 62:8
“But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.” Psalm 66:19
“For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.” Psalm 107:9
“For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” Jeremiah 31:25

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The "I'll Read What I Want, When I Want" List


I'm about to be free from assigned reading in a collegiate setting. To celebrate, I decided to make a brand-new, woo-hoo-I'm-free, reading list. It covers a range of genres haha. I also jotted down a quick list of books that I did need to finish, but for the most part, I'm starting fresh!

New Reading List:

(In no particular order)

1. Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

2. Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot

3. Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent

4. A little poetry...idk what yet. Instead of asking why, how about asking why not? :)
5. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

6. A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway

7. Pure Grace by Clark Whitten

To Finish:

1. The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Stewart

2. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas

3. The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

4. 1984 by George Orwell

This ought to keep me busy for a while...shout out to Miranda Krug, my Feature Writing and Blogging class buddy! Good luck on your list too!

Currently, I'm reading the Jesus Calling devotional by Sarah Young and it has been exactly what I needed to hear! Check it out if you haven't already.

Lastly...I have some other books on my To Read list that I am really looking forward to as well ;)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Student Mother & Little One

I don't know her name, but she looked tired.

The responsibilities of being a mom were at war with the pressures of being a student.

It can't be easy, and I applaud her for persevering.

There he was, crying in the stroller next to his mom, while she tried to pore over her book. One hand held a pen or a pencil, I couldn't tell which, while the other tried to keep strands of hair from falling in her face.

Another woman, I don't even know if she knew the mother, came and played with Little One, pacifying him for five, maybe ten minutes.

But then she had to go.

Little One was obviously sick, his cries tangling up in congested coughs.

How does she do it?

I had some reading to do, so I moved up a floor in the UC.

Little One's cries still could be heard, echoing, climbing up the open spaces, to my chair on the third floor.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So yeah this is true

I saw this video in one of my other classes and I thought it was worth sharing.

Check out this short video and maybe it will make you think before you pound your desk impatiently or shake your phone to make it speed up. (Why do we do that, anyway?)

We have far more reasons to be happy.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Leap

The leap...

Backing into the corner of the studio so you have plenty of space to launch into the air.

Eyeing the wide-open floor that will soon be yours, and yours alone.

Plotting whatever leap sequence is to come. 

Finally the person in front of you preps, leaps and is out of your way.

And you take command of the room, and then the air.

For a split second.

For a split second, you are airborne, not tied to the ground. Wouldn't everyone, even if you are not a dancer, like to experience that?

As dancers, we have defied gravity for thousands of seconds.

Check out this breathtaking video of a basic split leap in super slow mo.

Here is another amazing video of some other dance steps in slow motion. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Have You Thought This?

In yesterday's sermon, my pastor made a comment in passing that captured my attention.

He said something to the effect that as Christians, we need to quit worrying that we are going to stress God out. And I realized this is a fear of mine; not just in my relationship with God but in other relationships too.
It's not always successful, but I do try to NOT stress other people out. 

Usually that's a good thing, sometimes it could be somewhat of a hindrance in close relationships. Nevertheless, I attempt to conduct myself in a manner that doesn't throw everyone else in a whirlwind of drama and chaos.

Thankfully, we don't have to carry this worry into the presence of the Lord.

He has infinite resources and already loves us the most that we can be loved. Unlike us quickly taxed and easily irritated humans, we aren't going to use up His last nerve.

We need to lay down the idea we are going to stress God out and instead rest in Him! How freeing! We don't need another thought that holds us back from drawing deeply from our Savior's resources to fulfill His purpose for our life.

"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Hebrews 4:16

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Your Halftime Pep Talk

K guys, it's time for a pep talk. 

We are two weeks away from Spring Break.

We are halfway through the semester.

Spring and sunshine are on their way.

I mean really, you're past the point of no return. The only reasonable choice is to finish. And if you're going to finish, why not finish well?

School will not last forever. While we keep on learning, there is more to life than being a student, so enjoy being a student before you loathe it.  

All assignments don't have to be done in one day. 

You're not the only student with woes. 

I love the different images certain scriptures produce in my mind. One that I've been thinking about lately is in Jeremiah 20. The first part of verse 11 says, "The Lord is with me as a dread warrior..." (ESV). Other translations read "mighty warrior" (NIV) or "dread champion"(NAS). 

How can you NOT feel strengthened and encouraged with a warrior at your side? How can victory in the small and large battles NOT be certain with a warrior at your side?

So get back on the court and finish the semester! 

That's my game plan, and I'll be saying this scripture to myself, and singing Mariah Carey's "100%" myself.