Wednesday, February 29, 2012


One of my Mom's friends on Facebook shared this link to a post on Pastor Perry Noble's blog. Noble is the pastor of a church in South Carolina.

Read through it and see what you think.

As I read through the blog post, one of the several thoughts that occurred to me was that these are some of the most frequent "complaints" others have against Christians. If this is what they see exhibited in a Christian's life, why would anyone find that appealing? I sure wouldn't.

If I've learned anything, it's that for the one person you know is watching you and observing the choices you make, there are about five more people watching that you don't know about.

A life filled to the brim, saturated with joy, peace, purpose, passion and trust in God is so attractive. It is one of the greatest testimonies a person can have.

What would someone who didn't know the Lord find attractive or "different in a good way" about your life?

Food for thought...

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you never know who is watching you or observing you and the way you live!
