As of Monday, June 22nd, I will no longer be posting new content at Note to Self.
For new content, visit and enter your email to subscribe to my latest posts.
Thanks and have a great day!
Monday, June 22, 2015
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Weekend Bookend: Special Edition
In honor of my husband's birthday last week, Kurtis is sharing some of reading list. While we both share a love of reading, we have pretty different tastes when it comes to what books we pick up. He loves economical and political readings; I on the other hand enjoy a good novel, especially historical fiction. I also find a lot of gems among young adult authors. Where we do crossover is in Christian living and history. Enjoy these picks from K-man!
Currently reading:
"The Millionaire Mind" by Thomas Stanley

This is a book on those millionaires you wouldn't suspect. How can you be rich? It's all about living within your means. Not living above your ability and investing smartly. I've always said (and seen said) that you do what's important to you.
"I don't have time" just means that it's not high enough on the priority list to "have time" for. If we want to be rich, no matter what your income level, it's about saving, living under your means, and thus not living paycheck to paycheck. The first book (The Millionaire Next Door) was better as this one repeats itself, but both help you understand how to be a wealth accumulator. And wealth isn't a big house and nice cars, but financial security.
"I don't have time" just means that it's not high enough on the priority list to "have time" for. If we want to be rich, no matter what your income level, it's about saving, living under your means, and thus not living paycheck to paycheck. The first book (The Millionaire Next Door) was better as this one repeats itself, but both help you understand how to be a wealth accumulator. And wealth isn't a big house and nice cars, but financial security.
Next Up:
"Michael Jordan: The Life" by Roland Lazenby
I got this book as a Christmas present and have put off reading it because of the length and school. But I'm ready to dive in. I think it's all the more appropriate with talk of Lebron approaching Jordan heights, though I doubt it. It's possible with the physical skills, but we've gotta see those rings.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Weekend Bookend: Children's Edition
As I mentioned in last week's post, I find a lot of gems among young adult authors. In the words of C.S. Lewis,“A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.”
I heartily agree.
Below are some of my favorite books growing up. Enjoy!

I've read this book many times. It's about two best friends, very different from each other, growing up in New York City in the 60s. They go off to summer camp and naturally experience different things. This tests and forges a stronger friendship.

Hitty follows the doll of the same name and her first hundred years of existence. She changes owners many times, travels the country, gets lost in furniture for decades, and is reinvented multiple times. Very delightful story.

I was a weird child. I checked this book out from the library...uh, multiple times. I loved the wordplay and quirky pictures, even at a young age.

See above...this one was cute as well.

This and Mrs. Estes' other works are staples of elementary reading lists. Charming, slice of life stories are what I lean toward. While my tastes have expanded, there is a special place in my heart for these stories.
Of course I also devoured familiar series like "Little House on the Prairie," "The Boxcar Children," "Encyclopedia Brown," and the following series that was a staple of mine for many years...

I was a 90s kid with the same name as an American Girl. Yes, my childhood was golden.
What children's books are your favorites? I would love to see your comments below!
I heartily agree.
Below are some of my favorite books growing up. Enjoy!
I've read this book many times. It's about two best friends, very different from each other, growing up in New York City in the 60s. They go off to summer camp and naturally experience different things. This tests and forges a stronger friendship.
Hitty follows the doll of the same name and her first hundred years of existence. She changes owners many times, travels the country, gets lost in furniture for decades, and is reinvented multiple times. Very delightful story.
I was a weird child. I checked this book out from the library...uh, multiple times. I loved the wordplay and quirky pictures, even at a young age.
See above...this one was cute as well.
This and Mrs. Estes' other works are staples of elementary reading lists. Charming, slice of life stories are what I lean toward. While my tastes have expanded, there is a special place in my heart for these stories.
Of course I also devoured familiar series like "Little House on the Prairie," "The Boxcar Children," "Encyclopedia Brown," and the following series that was a staple of mine for many years...
I was a 90s kid with the same name as an American Girl. Yes, my childhood was golden.
What children's books are your favorites? I would love to see your comments below!
Friday, June 5, 2015
Letter to Your Pre-Teen Self
If you could send a note to your pre-teen self, what would you say? What would you warn against, or how would you encourage your younger self? So much has changed in our culture since even I was that in that awkward tween stage, and the struggles today's pre-teens face are even more intense. Comment below!
Weekend Bookend
Here's whats on my bookshelf this week:
Currently Reading:
"The Beekeeper's Apprentice" by Laurie R. King
"The Beekeeper's Apprentice" by Laurie R. King
Already in love with this book. It's the first in a series about a young woman who becomes Sherlock Holmes' apprentice/partner. King does an amazing job of painting a backdrop that's believable; believable that these 2 opposites connect so well together. Perfect summer reading - and it's a series! Yay! It's even available via the Overdrive app so you can start reading this book for free right now.
Want to Read:
"A Wind in the Door" by Madeleine L'Engle

I decided why not read the whole series? This is the next book in the "Time" quartet and I am excited to start this book this weekend!
Listening to:
Hillsong United "Empires" album
What books do you remember being your favorite as a kid? Comment below!
Listening to:
Hillsong United "Empires" album
What books do you remember being your favorite as a kid? Comment below!
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Changes Coming Soon
As I continue to pursue the writing path God has laid before me, I feel the constant urging to create and curate content on the blog, even if I don't see the end game yet. I am working to learn and improve what appears here and one of the ways I'll be doing that is switching platforms in the near future from Blogger to Wordpress.
More options, more professional, more better. You get the idea.
Also in the works is a name change for the blog.
Note to Self was initially inspired by this sticky note and the picture below:
More options, more professional, more better. You get the idea.
Also in the works is a name change for the blog.
Note to Self was initially inspired by this sticky note and the picture below:
I was experimenting with some pictures one day, and stuck these notes on a mirror. They're nothing spectacular, but later on when I started my blog, I remembered this phrase and realized a lot of times that's why I would write. I would need to remind myself of God's truth. If anyone else benefited, then it was a bonus!
Not too long after that, the Lord led me to these words in Isaiah 50:
“The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned. The Lord God has opened My ear..." Isaiah 50:4
Let me be clear. I don't say this to pat myself on the back. But in these verses I do recognize the spiritual gifts of teaching and encouragement, my stronger gifts. Here it is put into beautiful words. In order to share any words of worth with anyone, I first need to hear from God. My ear needs to be open to him.
Fast forward to last week. I read these verses in the version above (NKJV), which I don't normally, and my spirit latched onto the phrase "a word in season."
A word in season.
Even if not everyone comments directly on the blog, I often hear that a post was "just what they needed." That's God, not me. He knew you needed to read something, and I am only a vessel to get that word to you.
It's not ready to launch, but in the next few weeks "Note to Self" will become "A Word in Season" and the permanent address will be
I'm still working on transferring content, but I'm excited for the updates. I'll keep you posted, and keep an eye out for the new site!
Friday, May 29, 2015
Weekend Bookend
Hello all! Here is the lineup for this edition of Weekend Bookend
Read this year:
"The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo
"The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo
To follow up on this book that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago: overall, there were only a few nuggets to be gleaned. I have tried her method of folding clothes and have found it to be more space efficient. Frankly I think that's where she has the best advice is clothes storage. I also had to skim past quite a bit of Eastern religion throughout the pages (making a shrine on your bookshelf, thanking your possessions, greeting your house). There is also a huge emphasis on appearance and you can tell the author isn't easy on herself...I couldn't relax while reading the book!
Currently Reading:
"Killing Lincoln" by Bill O'Reilly

We own the "Killing" trilogy and I read Killing Kennedy last year. Loved it. Learned more about Kennedy from that one book than I had in all my history courses. Looking forward to finishing this one.
Listening to:
Bethel Church podcast
Worship series from May 2015, 4 episodes
What books are on your summer reading list? Comment below!
Listening to:
Bethel Church podcast
Worship series from May 2015, 4 episodes
What books are on your summer reading list? Comment below!
Monday, May 25, 2015
1 Corinthians 2:9
"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him."
During college, this was my theme verse. I even had it made into a vinyl quote for my wall. These words speak to the unknown, the new, the unfolding that is college. This verse thrilled me. NO TELLING what God was going to do next. I was sure it would be good.
One evening, I was visiting with a friend at Starbucks and we were discussing this very verse. A man (who happened to be a pastor) overheard our conversation.
"Do you know the next verse, though?" He asked us. "It completes verse 9."
Surprised anyone was listening, we stammered out some response. It was a long time ago and unfortunately I don't really remember what was said. But He smiled kindly and left soon after that.
Fast forward several years to today and I now have a teensy bit more understanding how verses 9 and 10 work together.
“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”— these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.
See, the unknown and the unfolding are a little less thrilling than they were 5 years ago, because now I realize even more that tragedies can be the next thing around a corner, rather than a triumph. Sometimes what unfolds isn't in our plans. The "not knowing" has lost a little appeal.
But in verse 10, God is promising that he can bring understanding to our spirits through His spirit. Understanding that I need and crave at every twist and turn in the path.
While I still haven't opened my Bible to find a 5-year, or even a 1-year plan yet (I'll let you know if I do), I understand a bit more than a few years ago the beauty of when God reveals things to our spirits.
So to the eavesdropping pastor out there somewhere: you were right. Verses 9 and 10 go hand-in-hand.
During college, this was my theme verse. I even had it made into a vinyl quote for my wall. These words speak to the unknown, the new, the unfolding that is college. This verse thrilled me. NO TELLING what God was going to do next. I was sure it would be good.
One evening, I was visiting with a friend at Starbucks and we were discussing this very verse. A man (who happened to be a pastor) overheard our conversation.
"Do you know the next verse, though?" He asked us. "It completes verse 9."
Surprised anyone was listening, we stammered out some response. It was a long time ago and unfortunately I don't really remember what was said. But He smiled kindly and left soon after that.
Fast forward several years to today and I now have a teensy bit more understanding how verses 9 and 10 work together.
“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”— these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.
See, the unknown and the unfolding are a little less thrilling than they were 5 years ago, because now I realize even more that tragedies can be the next thing around a corner, rather than a triumph. Sometimes what unfolds isn't in our plans. The "not knowing" has lost a little appeal.
But in verse 10, God is promising that he can bring understanding to our spirits through His spirit. Understanding that I need and crave at every twist and turn in the path.
While I still haven't opened my Bible to find a 5-year, or even a 1-year plan yet (I'll let you know if I do), I understand a bit more than a few years ago the beauty of when God reveals things to our spirits.
So to the eavesdropping pastor out there somewhere: you were right. Verses 9 and 10 go hand-in-hand.
Word of God,
young adults
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Weekend Bookend
Here is this week's edition of Weekend Bookend!
Read this year:
"Taking Flight" by Michaela DePrince
"Taking Flight" by Michaela DePrince
In honor of my dance studio's 21st recital this week, here is a ballet bio I read earlier this year. Michaela was featured in the documentary "First Position" and I found her story inspiring and delightful. Dancers and non-dancers alike will enjoy her journey from an African orphanage to the American stage.
Want to Read:
"Off the Page" by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer

I first heard about this book when listening to a recent episode of "Beaks & Geeks." Jodi and Samantha were guests on the episode and aside from them being hilarious as a mother-daughter writing team, I found the concept of the book fresh and unique. It did remind me of Natalie Babbit's book "The Great Good Thing," so I'm interested to see how the plots compare.
If you enjoy books and/or writing, Beaks and Geeks is a great podcast to add to your list. The interviews feature authors across all genres on what inspires them and what gets the words from their brain to the page. I learn something new every episode!
That's all! Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Thanks to all who serve and sacrifice.
If you enjoy books and/or writing, Beaks and Geeks is a great podcast to add to your list. The interviews feature authors across all genres on what inspires them and what gets the words from their brain to the page. I learn something new every episode!
That's all! Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Thanks to all who serve and sacrifice.
Monday, May 18, 2015
A Handful of Quietness
"Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind." Ecclesiastes 4:6
I came across this verse in Ecclesiastes last week and it encouraged...and yet frustrated me at the same time. We all experience seasons of quiet and seasons of busy, but often, it seems to be the season of quiet that is hardest to grip. We want things to do, things to happen, things to move and we want it done yesterday. That is the language we speak.
We are hardly fluent in the language of quiet.
God has given me a handful of quietness for right now, and honestly at times I haven't handled it well. But this verse reminded me there is purpose and dignity in a handful of quietness.
Whatever you find in your hand at this time, walk in step with God and seek what He teaching you in this season.
I came across this verse in Ecclesiastes last week and it encouraged...and yet frustrated me at the same time. We all experience seasons of quiet and seasons of busy, but often, it seems to be the season of quiet that is hardest to grip. We want things to do, things to happen, things to move and we want it done yesterday. That is the language we speak.
We are hardly fluent in the language of quiet.
God has given me a handful of quietness for right now, and honestly at times I haven't handled it well. But this verse reminded me there is purpose and dignity in a handful of quietness.
Whatever you find in your hand at this time, walk in step with God and seek what He teaching you in this season.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Weekend Bookend
Welcome to this week's edition of Weekend Bookend. Here's what I've got for you today:
Read this year:
"Mary Magdalene" by Diana Wallis Taylor
"Mary Magdalene" by Diana Wallis Taylor
This went on sale for Kindle and Kurtis bought it for me, and it turned out to be quite the engaging story. Yes it's fiction, but what was added for the story line honored Biblical accounts. Gave great insight into emotions behind the stories we are so familiar with. Read this in like, 2 days.
"A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle
Somehow I never read this growing up but when I read it earlier this year, I was thoroughly delighted by it. Another quick read. Loved how different, yet familiar it was, challenging to achieve in any genre.
Want to Read:
"The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo

So this was on my want to read list, but we ordered it over the weekend and I already started reading it. It's very different than anything I've read. I don't agree with everything she has to say, but I'm definitely willing to try out some of her ideas, once our bathroom projects are finished. There are a ton of pics online of before and after pictures of folks trying out her method, and that helps to visualize her concepts.
"The Case for Grace" by Lee Strobel
I love Strobel's work and I'm passionate about embracing the concept of grace in our walk with Jesus Christ. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
This Post is For You
This post is for you if Mothers' Day is...well...not what it should be. Not what it could be. Not what it was before.
Maybe you don't have a Mom to celebrate with here on Earth. To you, I say you are loved. And I am sorry. It's okay to not be okay. Each year will feel different as you grow and heal. But your family is by your side, growing and healing with you. You are not alone.
Maybe you would like to be a Mom, but for whatever reason, life has not begun inside you. To you, I say you are loved and I pray that God surrounds you with an extra measure of grace this weekend. Do not lose heart, dear one. Do not lose heart.
Maybe you are a Mom, a mom to angel babies that you never held in your arms, but will forever hold in your heart. To you, I say you are loved and are still a mom, even though you may not be changing diapers or struggling to load your brood into the car. Your babies experienced so much love in the short time they were here on earth.
Maybe you are a Mom in the waiting to a precious treasure. A little one is coming to you, a little one that someone else brought into the world, but can't walk with anymore. To you I say you are loved, and I pray endurance for you for the road ahead and that your home will be blessed with love and laughter in the years to come.
Maybe you are a Mom and have a Mom, but there are hurts. Hurts that sometimes feel too deep to overcome. To you, I say you are loved, and I pray time and mercy would do their work in your life.
To all Moms, you are loved. You are appreciated. You are treasured and valued. We are what we are today because of you. In whatever way you need, I pray your day is beautiful.
Beautiful like you.
Maybe you don't have a Mom to celebrate with here on Earth. To you, I say you are loved. And I am sorry. It's okay to not be okay. Each year will feel different as you grow and heal. But your family is by your side, growing and healing with you. You are not alone.
Maybe you would like to be a Mom, but for whatever reason, life has not begun inside you. To you, I say you are loved and I pray that God surrounds you with an extra measure of grace this weekend. Do not lose heart, dear one. Do not lose heart.
Maybe you are a Mom in the waiting to a precious treasure. A little one is coming to you, a little one that someone else brought into the world, but can't walk with anymore. To you I say you are loved, and I pray endurance for you for the road ahead and that your home will be blessed with love and laughter in the years to come.
To all Moms, you are loved. You are appreciated. You are treasured and valued. We are what we are today because of you. In whatever way you need, I pray your day is beautiful.
Beautiful like you.
Friday, May 8, 2015
NEW! Weekend Bookend
In an attempt to blog consistently, I've outlined some content this week. Yay for setting goals!
Fingers crossed.
Toward the end of every week, the plan is to review a book I'm reading or have read and share my very deep and informed thoughts (ha!) on said book. Or books.
If books are not your thing, I totally understand. Actually that doesn't compute, but whatever. Books are definitely my thing so here we go!
Currently reading:
"Heaven" by Randy Alcorn
It's a big book, but already I'm grateful for taking the journey. I know for me personally I've had many misconceptions or as Alcorn puts it an "impoverished" view of eternity with Christ and this book is helping to fill in the potholes and support the bridges. Have any of you read this? What were thoughts after finishing? I'd love to hear about it!
Read this year:
"Quiet" by Susan Cain
My sis-in-law Hilary recommended this to me and it's quite a dynamic read! I've always tended more toward the introverted side, and definitely in the last few years I've exhibited more of those tendencies. Very helpful to gain more insight into what makes us tick. Whether extroverted or introverted, there are nuggets to be gained from this book.
Can't Wait To Read:
"Go Set a Watchman" by Harper Lee
I cannot WAIT to read this come July. Never would have thought I would get to experience a Harper Lee sequel in my lifetime.
What books are you looking forward to reading this summer? Comment below, if you would be so kind.
Happy Reading!
Friday, May 1, 2015
This Writing Journey
A lot of soul-searching has taken place during this writing project.
Many times I've stopped to bow my head and repent because the very words I'm typing, I need to activate in my own life.
Other times I'm reminded of a promise at just the right time.
Sometimes I feel like I'm writing to my younger self or to the young girls in my life, and my heart brims with tenderness at the truth I hope gets planted in their lives.
I've come face-to-face with my strengths, but also my weaknesses. I've had to to grapple with them, stare them down and subdue them every day, because with this endeavor right now, I'm the only one getting in the way of me. I'm the only one I can blame for not progressing.
Do you know how humbling that is?
Photography by Brittany Castell |
I've heard many writers say similar things, but always thought deep down it was just false modesty.
But I'm starting to understand that those feelings are very real.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Saul's Problem
I am reading through the Bible chronologically again this year and as I've recently read the story of Saul's reign and downfall throughout the book of 1 Samuel, it seemed for the first time that I could pinpoint his problem.
He was wise in his own eyes.
Consistently, he demonstrated impatience over patience, taking matters into his own hands over waiting on God's timing and walking in the wisdom of Saul, rather than the wisdom of God.
He didn't wait for Samuel to sacrifice to God, he chose to go to a witch for wisdom, he wasted time and energy pursuing David to satisfy his own ego and ultimately decided to write the end of his own story when he takes his own life.
God had great things planned for Saul- not only was he king, his sons and their sons after them were supposed to be king. But Saul threw that opportunity in the trash with his very own hands.
It's easy to judge Saul from our armchairs, but how often do we ourselves default to walking in the wisdom of self? Far too often would be my guess. I know I'm guilty of it!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones."
Proverbs 3:5-8 (NIV)
Friends, let us learn from Saul's mistakes and choose to walk in God's wisdom and wait on his timing. We won't be disappointed.
He was wise in his own eyes.
Consistently, he demonstrated impatience over patience, taking matters into his own hands over waiting on God's timing and walking in the wisdom of Saul, rather than the wisdom of God.
He didn't wait for Samuel to sacrifice to God, he chose to go to a witch for wisdom, he wasted time and energy pursuing David to satisfy his own ego and ultimately decided to write the end of his own story when he takes his own life.
God had great things planned for Saul- not only was he king, his sons and their sons after them were supposed to be king. But Saul threw that opportunity in the trash with his very own hands.
It's easy to judge Saul from our armchairs, but how often do we ourselves default to walking in the wisdom of self? Far too often would be my guess. I know I'm guilty of it!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones."
Proverbs 3:5-8 (NIV)
Friends, let us learn from Saul's mistakes and choose to walk in God's wisdom and wait on his timing. We won't be disappointed.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Elizabeth and Mary
Elizabeth and Mary. Two
pregnancies against all odds.
A virgin birth? A pregnancy after menopause?
Medically impossible. Highly unlikely.
Imagine the looks the teenager
and grandma-aged lady must have gotten from neighbors, even friends. The
suspected immorality. The whispered comments behind palms.
God in His mercy didn’t leave these special
women to bear these feelings and emotions on their own. I believe He orchestrated these two
dynamic pregnancies to coincide with one another in order to provide the support and
encouragement the new moms would need.
Elizabeth’s husband, John,
couldn’t talk throughout her pregnancy. How hard would that be to not hear the
voice of your love, your closest friend for nine months?
Mary wasn’t even with Joseph for
a third of her pregnancy, a whole trimester. I hate it when my husband is out
of town for the weekend, so I can’t imagine being separated from him for that
length of time.
God’s love and care is
demonstrated by bringing these two women together under extraordinary
circumstances. John's mother and Jesus' mother had a unique road ahead of them. The
friendship and pregnancy moments shared during those three months undoubtedly fortified them for the days to come.
Whether it’s in pregnancy,
miscarriage or barrenness, God is faithful to provide companions to join you on
the journey. You have to be willing to let God accomplish this work, though.
Sometimes it means opening up a difficult part of your life. Sometimes it means
finding friendship in unlikely places.
Bringing new life into the world
and conversely, waiting oh so expectantly for life to begin in you is a
difficult road to walk. And while husbands provide the tenderness and support
that few others, even in our own families, could provide, other women in the
same situation understand deeper nuances of the journey that few others can.
Look around you. If you are
struggling with feeling alone and isolated, I bet God has placed companions in
your life who will pray for you, share your burden and join you on the journey
of bearing life, or the struggle to understand why your body has
not borne life yet.
Maybe God is calling you to reach
out to some women in your life.
It’s the enemy who wants us to
feel isolated and alone. He can wreak great havoc on those who are separated
from the flock. God never wants us to feel isolated and alone. His word
promises He is always with us, and He desires that we find companionship and
support in the body of Christ.
Sisters, let us follow Elizabeth
and Mary’s example and support one another, during such seasons as these and
Based on Luke 1:5-36; 39-45; 56
Monday, February 16, 2015
A New Season
A new year brings some chapters to an end and new chapters to start. One of those closing chapters has been leaving TriCorps and pursuing some writing projects God has laid on my heart.
It's been a big step of faith as I love working with my husband, but God has shown me it's time to move on to new adventures.
Last day as a TriCorps employee 2.13.15 |
Not sure exactly what lies ahead and what it will look like. It's tempting to call this a transition phase and get mired down in all those feelings of "transition," but in the words of one of my favorite authors, all of life is basically a transition. (Shauna Niequist-Paraphrased)
So we press on!
So we press on!
But most of all, there are words to be written and I must go and type.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Little Brother Got Hitched
My big little brother got married on January 16 to his love Hilary. Our family has been friends with their family going on five years now and I am in awe of how God brought Taylor and Hilary together. It's an amazing story.
Much love, Mr. and Mrs. Maloy. Your day was perfect :)
Much love, Mr. and Mrs. Maloy. Your day was perfect :)
The gents |
LifeChurch Edmond (formerly MetroChurch) My parents were married here 29 years ago. Special to be back here for another family marriage! |
Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor Maloy! |
Grandma Mitsu enjoying the sparklers! |
Monday, January 12, 2015
Hello 2015!
We started off 2015 with a bang with a trip to Hawaii! We were surrounded by God's breathtaking creation for 8 days and I am forever grateful for that time in paradise.
I've heard it said how sometimes visiting a place spoils your ideal version of it; with Hawaii that's not true. It's everything you think it should be. Here are some of my favorite pics from the trip.
I've heard it said how sometimes visiting a place spoils your ideal version of it; with Hawaii that's not true. It's everything you think it should be. Here are some of my favorite pics from the trip.
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Aloha! |
We are very glad to be off the plane :) |
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The Manta Ray eventful night. |
Coffee plantation in Kona |
Black Sand Beach in the Waipio Valley |
The Waipio Valley- secluded, beautiful and a little dangerous |
Helicopter Tour of the Big Island |
That's a volcano, ladies and gentlemen. |
Sunset on Mona Kea |
Above the cloud line...incredible. |
On Oahu...the water is that blue in real life! |
Brunch at Koko Head...most amazing pancakes of my life. |
Pearl Harbor |
At the North Shore on our last day...thanks for the memories Hawaii! |
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