"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him."
During college, this was my theme verse. I even had it made into a vinyl quote for my wall. These words speak to the unknown, the new, the unfolding that is college. This verse thrilled me. NO TELLING what God was going to do next. I was sure it would be good.
One evening, I was visiting with a friend at Starbucks and we were discussing this very verse. A man (who happened to be a pastor) overheard our conversation.
"Do you know the next verse, though?" He asked us. "It completes verse 9."
Surprised anyone was listening, we stammered out some response. It was a long time ago and unfortunately I don't really remember what was said. But He smiled kindly and left soon after that.
Fast forward several years to today and I now have a teensy bit more understanding how verses 9 and 10 work together.
“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”— these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.
See, the unknown and the unfolding are a little less thrilling than they were 5 years ago, because now I realize even more that tragedies can be the next thing around a corner, rather than a triumph. Sometimes what unfolds isn't in our plans. The "not knowing" has lost a little appeal.
But in verse 10, God is promising that he can bring understanding to our spirits through His spirit. Understanding that I need and crave at every twist and turn in the path.
While I still haven't opened my Bible to find a 5-year, or even a 1-year plan yet (I'll let you know if I do), I understand a bit more than a few years ago the beauty of when God reveals things to our spirits.
So to the eavesdropping pastor out there somewhere: you were right. Verses 9 and 10 go hand-in-hand.
Good message for today!!!