More options, more professional, more better. You get the idea.
Also in the works is a name change for the blog.
Note to Self was initially inspired by this sticky note and the picture below:
I was experimenting with some pictures one day, and stuck these notes on a mirror. They're nothing spectacular, but later on when I started my blog, I remembered this phrase and realized a lot of times that's why I would write. I would need to remind myself of God's truth. If anyone else benefited, then it was a bonus!
Not too long after that, the Lord led me to these words in Isaiah 50:
“The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned. The Lord God has opened My ear..." Isaiah 50:4
Let me be clear. I don't say this to pat myself on the back. But in these verses I do recognize the spiritual gifts of teaching and encouragement, my stronger gifts. Here it is put into beautiful words. In order to share any words of worth with anyone, I first need to hear from God. My ear needs to be open to him.
Fast forward to last week. I read these verses in the version above (NKJV), which I don't normally, and my spirit latched onto the phrase "a word in season."
A word in season.
Even if not everyone comments directly on the blog, I often hear that a post was "just what they needed." That's God, not me. He knew you needed to read something, and I am only a vessel to get that word to you.
It's not ready to launch, but in the next few weeks "Note to Self" will become "A Word in Season" and the permanent address will be
I'm still working on transferring content, but I'm excited for the updates. I'll keep you posted, and keep an eye out for the new site!
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