I started drafting a few posts like last year to share some of the lessons Kurtis and I have learned over our second year of marriage. There were some clever lines, a few cute pictures, but it wasn't gelling.
I've even read back through last year's posts and thought "Wow, I thought I was being so cute and original..." But really, it feels like I know nothing at times!
A lot of events have transpired this year (as I know they have for many families), even more so in the last couple of weeks. And while there were some incredibly painful moments, they have helped to crystallize who we are in the Lord and who we want to be as a couple.
Everybody, I would hope, has that moment. Not unsimilar to the moment when you make your faith your own, you have to OWN your marriage at some point.
2004 was the year I really made my walk with the Lord MY walk. I was a freshman in high school, and in that school year, my dad lost his job, my great-grandfather died and both my grandmas moved. That year indeed marked the end of a chapter in our family, but the beginning to so many others. I learned to sink my roots deep into God that year.
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So here I am 10 years later learning in a new way how to sink my roots even deeper into God, deeper into marriage with the most amazing man.
At a concert at church a couple of weeks ago, the lead singer made this comment in regards to his walk with the Lord, "I haven't arrived yet, but I've certainly left."
Amen to that.
Arrived? No. Further on the journey from where we started? Yes.
I could type up lots of words about random stories from this past year, but frankly, that's not what's on my heart and mind.
What I do want to say is that heading into year 3, I am more excited than ever to roll up my sleeves and dig into life with Kurtis W. Hanni. I am more than excited to focus on
being, than
And as our heart has been from the beginning of our relationship, to the song at our wedding, to today: may we daily choose to put Christ at the center of our lives.
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The Hannis
here for more pics from our trip!