Hi all!
I wanted to expand on my Facebook status from this morning.
Think about how your body feels when it is dehydrated...now apply that to what happens to your spirit when it gets spiritually "dehydrated."
The Lord dropped this example in my mind about this time last year. I talked about it with my brother and we had a good conversation picking apart this example.
One doesn't have to be a doctor or a nutritional expert to know that the body suffers mightily without regular amounts of water. Body systems, brain function, skin quality and so many other aspects of the human body depend on drinking water, and a lot of it.
We all know this. I'm not revealing something radical.
This applies to our "spiritual bodies" (a.k.a. our spirits) as well. They too must be regularly hydrated with "living water."
Do we hydrate our spirits adequately? Do we know when our spirits are thirsty? Can we tell before it's too late that our spirits have become dehydrated?
Our physical bodies are noisy, constantly announcing its need for food, drink, sleep, etc.
Our spirit is much quieter, and sometimes cannot be heard over the annoying clamor of the body.
Knowing this, we must be proactive to take in the water of God's word. (If you're thirsty, you are already somewhat dehydrated). We would never intentionally deprive our bodies of water. We should be far more worried about cutting off the flow of Living Water to our spirits.
Read that Scripture one more time. Listen to that podcast. Drink some water! To start with, check out John 4:1-15 and Isaiah 55:1-2.
One more thought.
It doesn't cost to quench your thirst or hunger for God. He gives spiritual drink and food freely- without cost.
Isn't that refreshing?