Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm Back!

So it has been a few months since I last posted.
I truly meant to be more consistent (which is what everyone says), but senior year started and it is kind of taking a starring role in my life right now. According to my countdown app, it is 24 weeks and six days until I get to walk across that stage!
And it can't get here soon enough.
Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about these past three years...what I have learned, what I absolutely WILL NOT miss, etc., etc. It's mind-boggling really. I am pretty different from when I graduated high school- not in the essential things, mind you, but in other ways. Ways that needed to change.
But what I want to share today is a list of things/people that I could not have survived college without. The first few are random and a bit silly, but the latter part of the list is quite serious.

10. Granola bars (It's what's on the menu. I wonder how many I have consumed in the past three years?)
9.   Green tea (More than one steaming thermos of this life force helped me get through some nasty days!)
8.   Umbrella (There have been certain days when this accessory is almost more necessary than a Scantron.)
7.   Rain boots (See above. Note to self: never leave rain boots by a space heater...)
6.   Warm boots (I love my Uggs. Worth the money since I wear them nearly everyday during the fall/winter and they last and last...)
5.   Son of Citation Machine & EasyBib (Need I say more???)
4.   My planner (I'm smart, but not that smart. It is my external hardrive.)
3.   Dean Fisher (If you know him, you know why he made the list. If you don't know him, well...)
2.  My family and close friends (They keep me sane and steady!)
1.  Jesus (Of course! How else have I survived?)

So there you are, read it and be amused...or not haha! I won't be offended.

There are other things and people who have most assuredly made this season in my life a success. It has not been a solo act! But really, my last point on the list is the only one that matters. Here is a note I wrote to myself several months ago that sums it up:

"I stand upon the Rock. College has not tempted me to find another rock to stand on, but forced me to better understand and more strongly believe in that upon which I already stood. Out of necessity, I have sunk my roots deeper & deeper into the Solid Rock. And I have not been disappointed."


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